Great Service

No backstage pass necessary.

At Rebalance, the people you see on our website, or on CNN, or the New York Times, or perhaps presenting expert testimony to the U.S. Senate are the same people who pick up the phone when you call. And we’re the same people who help guide you through all of life’s important decisions. So while you may see us on TV, you won’t need one to bring us into your living room.

U.S. Senators Applaud Rebalance

Managing Director Scott Puritz recently testified before the U.S. Senate on rules designed to make retirement investing safer.

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Rebalance on PBS Wealthtrack

Wealthtrack host Consuelo Mack sits down with Mitch Tuchman and Professor Burton Malkiel, to discuss Rebalance’s prudent approach to investing.

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Perez Showcases Rebalance

U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez showcases Rebalance’s adherence to the fiduciary standard, and our Firm’s experience with “brokerage refugees.”

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