Curated Corner
The Curated Corner is a dedicated area where our staff curates and shares resources from reputable publications for your educational benefit.

Working While Getting Social Security: What to Know
If you are working an extra few years after you have already retired, there are important implications on how to effectively access your Social Security. This can be a complicated planning challenge. Giving this level of complexity, you might want consider using a Certified Financial Planner. If you don’t have one yet, give Rebalance… Continue reading

The Tricky Math of Retiring Into a Downturn
Retiring can be a very stressful stage for many people. Daily routines, life purpose, and long-term goals, all come to an inflection point at once. The recent downturn in the financial markets has added an extra layer of unknowns to an already difficult time for those going through retirement. Having a clear perspective about the… Continue reading

The Market Usually Rises After the Midterms. Will This Time Be Different?
Elections are here. As the midterm elections approach, investors frequently ask about the linkage between electoral politics and the movement of stock prices. As Jeff Sommer points out in one his recent New York Times columns, history carries weight even if this time “feels different.” Source: The Market Usually Rises After the Midterms.… Continue reading