Mitch Tuchman Talks Retirement Investing with CBS Senior Business Analyst Jill Schlesinger
Jill Schlesinger: You come from the hedge fund world, this very sophisticated world. Were you surprised that the retail investor was getting the short end of the stick?
Mitch Tuchman: It’s shocking…it’s shocking…When you’re a person who works really hard – firemen, school teachers, small business owners, and you save up a few hundred thousand dollars, you’re in your 50s, you’re trying to retire, [your money] is sitting in an IRA or 401k. The financial industry will find a way to siphon over 2 percent a year out of your account. And that’s in a variety of sundry ways. And if you look at the overall returns of stock markets over decades, and a mixture of some stocks and bonds, people should be getting around 8 (percent). So if you’re getting over 2 (percent) taken out, that’s over a quarter of your returns going to the person giving you advice, and frankly over time that can eat up a third or half of your money. And that’s unconscionable. That’s damaging. And what’s not damaging is helping people keep all of the 8 percent by giving them a smart allocation for their money and keeping fees low.”