Jay Vivian Expert Advice

Decisions About Rolling Over Your 401(k) or 403(b)
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on why rolling over your 401(k) is important. Continue reading

Why Is It So Hard To Beat the Stock Market?
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on why so few are able to beat the stock market. Continue reading

Why I Believe In Index Investing
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on the thought process that lead him to index investing. Continue reading

Why I Chose Rebalance
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on who should choose Rebalance to manage their retirement investments. Continue reading

What Is Index Investing?
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on how index investing began. Continue reading

Rebalance’s Mission
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on what attracted him to Rebalance and our firm’s mission. Continue reading

Mutual Fund Performance — Buyer Beware
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on how mutual fund performance can be manipulated. Continue reading

Why IBM Moved To Index Investing
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, explains why IBM moved to index investing over active management. Continue reading

The Lessons of 2008
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, explains the lessons of 2008 to retirement investors. Continue reading

IRAs and Tax-Advantaged Investing
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, explains that there are traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. Which one is right for you is not a trivial decision. Continue reading

Beware Of The Investment ‘Expert’
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, cautions against accepting investment advice from a self proclaimed expert. Continue reading

How To Lower Retirement Investment Costs
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, shares how investing in index funds lowers your retirement investment costs. Continue reading

Worry Free Investing With Rebalance
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, explains how multi-asset-class funds rebalance themselves for worry free investing. Continue reading

How Target Date Funds Work
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, explains how target date funds rebalance themselves within the investment opportunity. Continue reading

How Diversification Lowers Risk In Your Portfolio
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, explains how diversification protects you from the risk of any one of investment in a portfolio going south. Continue reading

Danger: Everybody Wants To Beat The Market
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, explains the danger of trying to beat the market. Continue reading

Do Investors Trade Too Often?
Jay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, discusses the big question of whether or not investors trade too often. Continue reading

Smart Retirement Investors Rebalance Their Portfolios
Rebalance’s Jay Vivian details the many benefits of periodic portfolio rebalancing. Continue reading

How Money Makes More Money
In this short clip, Rebalance Investment Committee member and former chair of the IBM Investment Board, Jay Vivian, details the power of compound interest. Continue reading

A Key To Successful Investing Is Reducing Mistakes
How can the average retirement saver avoid common investment mistakes? Jay Vivian explains in this short clip. Continue reading

The Psychology Of Portfolio Rebalancing
Rebalance’s Jay Vivian explains the detailed thought process that goes into periodic portfolio rebalancing. Continue reading

401(k) or 403(b) Rollovers
Should you rollover your employer based retirement fund when you switch jobs? Retirement investing expert Jay Vivian has the answer in this brief clip. Continue reading

The Biggest Investor Mistakes
What are the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to retirement investing? Investment Committee member Jay Vivian tells you the common traps that everyday savers fall in, and how to avoid them. Continue reading

How High Fees Can Delay Your Retirement
Most people would like to retire as soon as possible; however, many are unable due to lack of proper funds. Jay Vivian details how to avoid high fees and retire when you want to. Continue reading

Mutual Funds Advertise Winners Not Losers
Rebalance Investment Committee member Jay Vivian on how mutual fund company ads that promote their investment prowess are often very misleading. Continue reading