Burt Malkiel Expert Advice

Why I Joined Rebalance
Financial expert and Rebalance Investment Committee member, Burt Malkiel, talks about the many factors that drove him to joining our firm. Continue reading

What Should Investors Do With A 401(k) When Changing Jobs?
Rebalance’s Burt Malkiel provides a simple response to the often asked question “What do I do with my 401(k) when changing employers?” Continue reading

Time Based Investing Works
Investment Committee member Professor Burt Malkiel explains why time based investing works for those saving for retirement. Continue reading

The Rebalance Investment Committee
Professor Burt Malkiel on how Rebalance’s Investment Committee brings financial expert prowess to the everyday consumer. Continue reading

Investing With Rebalance
What can you expect when you invest with Rebalance? Investment Committee member Burt Malkiel tells you in this brief clip. Continue reading

Rebalancing Lowers Risk
Burt Malkiel explains how periodic rebalancing not only offers consumers with a more customized retirement investment portfolio, but also reduces long-term risks. Continue reading

How To Buy Low And Sell High
Burt Malkiel on the importance of Warren Buffett’s often quoted advice to “buy low and sell high” when it comes to your retirement investments. Continue reading

How Mutual Funds Misrepresent Performance
When a mutual fund company advertises their funds outperforming benchmarks, it is often misleading; Burt Malkiel explains why in this brief clip. Continue reading

Rebalancing – How Often?
Professor Burton Malkiel of the Rebalance Investment Committee explains how rebalancing positively affects returns. Continue reading

Get “Above Average” Returns
Professor Burton Malkiel of the Rebalance Investment Committee on how cost predicts investment returns. Continue reading

How Financial Advisors Help
Professor Burton Malkiel of the Rebalance Investment Committee explains why financial advisors can be crucial in tough markets. Continue reading

Growing Money Tax-Free
Professor Burton Malkiel of the Rebalance Investment Committee on how compounding helps grow your money tax free. Continue reading

Market Timing Is Dangerous
Financial expert Professor Burt Malkiel on why market timing isn’t just a bad idea, but also downright dangerous to your retirement savings. Continue reading

Catching Up For Retirement
Rebalance Investment Committee member Burt Malkiel on how even less-than-prudent savers can still enjoy a comfortable nest egg. Continue reading

Greed Drives Bad Decisions
Professor Burt Malkiel explains how in the quest for better returns, retirement investors often make haphazard decisions that will hurt their long-term savings. Continue reading

Common Investor Mistakes
Investment Committee member Burt Malkiel on the common mistakes that hinder retirement investment returns. Continue reading

Lower Stock Prices Are Good
Warren Buffett often preaches it, and Rebalance’s Burt Malkiel confirms; low stock prices are actually good for retirement savers. Professor Malkiel explains why in this brief clip. Continue reading

Lower Fees = Higher Returns
How do fees directly impact your retirement investment returns? Rebalance Investment Committee member Burt Malkiel explains how in this short clip. Continue reading

Why Diversification Works
What does it mean to have a diversified portfolio and how does it lower your investment risk? Rebalance team member, Burt Malkiel, answers all your diversification related questions in this short video. Continue reading

Retirement Investing With Interest Rates So Low
What is the best retirement investing practice in a low interest rate environment? Financial expert and retirement investing luminary Burton Malkiel details in this brief clip. Continue reading

Stock Brokers May Not Be On Your Side
Who does your financial advisor work for? In this short clip, Rebalance’s Burt Malkiel details the often misunderstood fee structure of big brokerage firms. Continue reading

Own Stock Markets, Not Stocks
Burt Malkiel on how proper asset allocation can allow your retirement investments to prosper by owning the entire stock market. Continue reading

Why I Joined Rebalance
Investment Committee Burt Malkiel on why he joined Rebalance based on principle. Continue reading