Blog Archive

How Index Investing Caught On for Investors
by RebalanceProfessor Burton Malkiel of the Rebalance Investment Committee explains how mutual funds use selective data to market their services. Continue reading

The Beginnings of a Best-Seller
by RebalanceProfessor Burton Malkiel of the Rebalance Investment Committee explains how mutual funds use selective data to market their services. Continue reading

The Rebalance Team is Improving Investing Literacy Across the U.S.
by Katherine CotterIn February the Rebalance team was able to illustrate our dedication to enhancing investing literacy throughout the United States. As thought leaders in the financial services industry, it is our mission to provide education to individuals and small businesses alike. Several of our team members were invited to participate on panels and presentations focused on… Continue reading

Your 401(k) Plan Should Come with an Advisor. Here is Why.
by David RanneyRecently, we wrote about what we consider best practice for our clients in terms of 401(k) plan design, such as offering a Roth 401(k), the advantages of a Safe Harbor design, and more. For small businesses, however, there is another important consideration: whether or not to seek investment advice. Many business owners have no financial… Continue reading

Join Scott Puritz for an Enlightening Conversation About Your Money
Investing for your long-term goals is not rocket science. There really are just a few fundamental choices to make, choices that over time lead to better investment returns. What’s more, you can get those returns without all the jumpiness and second-guessing common among short-term thinkers and supposed Wall Street “pros.” Research has shown, repeatedly, that… Continue reading

Creating Your Ethical Will – Redefining Legacy
What is money, if not the means to secure a better, more fulfilling life? And how will you communicate to your heirs the importance of your carefully assembled resources? Legacy is about more than cash and property. It’s the transmission of your life’s work to the next generation. That’s why creating an “ethical will” is… Continue reading

The Market Usually Rises After the Midterms. Will This Time Be Different?
Elections are here. As the midterm elections approach, investors frequently ask about the linkage between electoral politics and the movement of stock prices. As Jeff Sommer points out in one his recent New York Times columns, history carries weight even if this time “feels different.” Source: The Market Usually Rises After the Midterms.… Continue reading

Midterm Elections—What Do They Mean for Markets?
by Scott PuritzIt’s almost Election Day in the US once again. For those who need a brief civics refresher, every two years the full US House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate are up for reelection. While the outcomes of the elections are uncertain, one thing we can count on is that plenty of opinions… Continue reading

Should I Start a Donor-Advised Fund?
by Sonja Breeding, CFP®It seems like everyone these days has started a foundation. There’s a reason for that. It’s easier than ever to create one and there are many incentives to go down that path, even with smaller amounts of money. The reason such “foundations” are so prevalent now is because most of them are, in fact, the… Continue reading