Blog Archive

401k retirement

The Basics of 401(k) Retirement Planning


The history of the most common American retirement plan — the workplace 401(k) — is long, but the essential idea is simple. Save money today and lower your current income taxes. Put in pre-tax money while you are working and take money out later, and pay the income taxes when you take money out in… Continue reading


Our 3 Favorite John Bogle Books


The recent loss of investing giant and Vanguard founder, John Bogle, got us to thinking about the many books he wrote and which ones meant the most to us. Here are our top 3 favorites to help inspire you to learn more about the market, investing, and the incredible impact that John Bogle had on… Continue reading

index funds

Passive Investing Is Active In All The Right Ways


There are plenty of buzzwords in the investing world, few of them more debated than the idea of active vs. passive investing. Passive doesn’t not necessarily mean “do nothing.” After all, doing nothing would mean not investing at all! Rather, we advocate for a thoughtfully structured portfolio process. Our mantra at Rebalance is “portfolio indexing,”… Continue reading

John Bogle

Build A Statue For John Bogle? Here’s A Better Idea


My partner, Mitch Tuchman, wrote a lovely tribute to the late John Bogle for MarketWatch. It captures Bogle’s essential goodness and the mission that drove him his entire life: helping everyday people retire with more by dramatically lowering the cost of investing. Please read this brief appreciation of Bogle’s life. We remain indebted to Bogle’s… Continue reading

John Bogle explains a new rule that will save retirement

John Bogle’s Legacy Has Only Just Begun


I had the privilege of joining John Bogle, and other industry leaders, in the continued fight against unfair investment practices at the launch of the groundbreaking initiative ‘Campaign for Investors.’ I hope to honor Bogle’s legacy by continuing to advocate for investment industry reform and consumer safety. Watch this video to learn more about the… Continue reading

financial planning

Financial Planning Is About Freedom From Worry


I once had a client who asked me, point-blank: “Do I have enough money that I can fly business class the rest of my life?” So, we had a few discussions and I drew up her financial plan. The answer was “yes.” Talk about a happy customer! And that’s the important point about financial planning… Continue reading

Robert herjavec

Shark Tank’s Robert Herjavec: College Is Not Necessarily the Answer


Remember your college days? Football games, late nights studying, parties and fun — the American college experience is unique and, for many, a transformative period. You get to play at adult responsibilities like showing up and caring for yourself, but with a safety net. No wonder some folks stay for more than four years! Increasingly,… Continue reading

Money Resolutions

5 Resolutions that Could Help You Retire a Millionaire (But Still Enjoy the Champagne)


In the iconic words of Regis Philbin during his game show hosting duties, “Who wants to be a millionaire?” The better question should be who doesn’t. While it may sound lofty to dream about retiring with 6 zeroes (or more) in your account – it’s not entirely far-fetched if you play smart with your investments.… Continue reading


Three Gifts More Valuable Than This Year’s ‘Must-Have Item’


Twinkling lights, travel planning, and endless emails promoting “see it to believe it” sales can only mean one thing – it’s the holiday season! Each year it seems that once a chill is in the air, companies begin to ramp up marketing efforts to promote the next big product everyone must add to their household; in… Continue reading