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What Do Bella Hadid, Lil Wayne And Tom Hanks Have In Common? This Problem.


It’s easy to think of celebrities as being above it all. Yet they have human bodies and the same frailties we all face, particularly as we age. The model Bella Hadid has Lyme disease. Rapper Lil Wayne is an epileptic. Actor Tom Hanks has Type 2 diabetes. The list of well-known people with chronic diseases… Continue reading


Ashton Kutcher Is Leaving Nothing To His Kids. Should You Do The Same?


The actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis plan to leave nothing to their kids — at least nothing unearned. Kutcher, who starred with Kunis on the popular sitcom “That ’70s Show,” recently declared that he and his wife will give their earnings from Hollywood and their investments to charity, including anti-sex trafficking causes Kutcher supports.… Continue reading


Rebalance Spotlight: Q & A with Drew Pratt, Vice President of Investment Advice


“I want to help people do the right thing and to be at ease” Drew Pratt is the latest addition to the Rebalance team. As Vice President for Investment Advice, Pratt will contribute to the firm’s wealth management practice while also advancing the Rebalance 360 Product Suite, a full-service wealth management offering. Pratt brings more… Continue reading


Changing Jobs? Before Leaving, Don’t Forget This Money Move


Americans change jobs a lot — more than a dozen times over a career. A new opportunity beckons, across town or across the country. Cake is consumed and co-workers hand you a card scrawled with cheerful goodbyes. Your boss says she’ll miss you but wishes you well. And that’s it. Except there’s one more thing… Continue reading


How To Get Your Money Back From An Old 401(k) Account


Found money is exhilarating, even more so when it actually belongs to you. Every few years the same story pops up in the media — how to claim “lost” bank accounts or other assets, such as old stock certificates. Usually the reporter interviews someone who has discovered a derelict savings account owned by a deceased… Continue reading


How to Rescue a Ghosted 401(k)


Our very own Sally Brandon, Senior Vice President of Client Service and Advice, tells U.S. News & World Report how rolling it over into an individual retirement account (IRA) can provide tax benefits and boost your retirement savings. 7 Best IRA Accounts for Your Investments by Ellen Chang, July 23rd, 2019 The tax benefits of… Continue reading

financial advice daughter

The Financial Advice I Give My Daughter


You’re probably thinking: Isn’t it the same thing you tell your sons? Of course it is. The point is not that women need different guidance. Rather, women need guidance that too often is not given to them. As a financial advisor with my own practice I’ve witnessed firsthand a kind of learned helplessness among women… Continue reading


Straight Answers About Annuity Risk


In this piece for The Philadelphia Inquirer, journalist Erin Arvedlund reports on whether or not there is a direct correlation between a recession and stock market drop.  In addition, Erin Arvedlund reminds investors the impending SECURE Act of 2019 goes back before Congress on Oct. 1st.  The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act… Continue reading


We’re Smart, Capable and Amassing Vast Wealth. So, Why Aren’t We Taking Control of Our Finances?


I’m guilty. There, I said it. And, it feels great to confess.  I am among the millions of women, globally and across generations, who fall into a distinct category—highly-educated, affluent married women, widows or divorcees who defer significant financial decisions to their spouses or partners. Admittedly, the reassuring news is that I’m in excellent company. … Continue reading