Small Business 401k Archive

Lost Your Job but Still Have a 401(k)? Here’s What to Do With It
by Shannon SutherTens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs as the coronavirus ravages the economy, bringing the unemployment rate to a Great Depression-level 14.7 percent — and many are looking for emergency lifelines to meet living expenses. Retirement accounts will be a tempting option. Last year, about 63 million households had defined contribution plan accounts, and… Continue reading

Decisions About Rolling Over Your 401(k) or 403(b)
by Jay VivianJay Vivian, former managing director of the IBM Retirement Funds, on why rolling over your 401(k) is important. Continue reading

NPR Reporting On The Fight To Make Retirement Investing Safer
by Scott PuritzChris Arnold is a reporter with NPR who has a knack for explaining the complexities of investing in simple, plain English. In the ongoing fight for greater consumer protections, NPR produced a segment that highlights the intricacies of the fiduciary rule, and approached me for my “industry insider” opinion. It was my honor to speak about the… Continue reading

Retirement Planning – Freelancers Have A Secret Weapon, The Solo 401(K)
by Scott PuritzAn amazing 40 percent of American workers will be classified as freelancers by 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Once the province of recent graduates and those “in between” jobs, the wave of the future seems to be contract work as a long-term career for millions of Americans. And because of this trend,… Continue reading

The Basics of 401(k) Retirement Planning
by Christie Whitney, CFP®The history of the most common American retirement plan — the workplace 401(k) — is long, but the essential idea is simple. Save money today and lower your current income taxes. Put in pre-tax money while you are working and take money out later, and pay the income taxes when you take money out in… Continue reading

All the Ways You Can Mess Up Your 401(k)
by Scott PuritzWorkplace retirement plans get a lot of bad press, primarily small company plans loaded with high fees. But, truth be told, 401(k)s have been a boon to millions of Americans with access to them. In total, 55 million savers held $5.3 trillion in these plans at the end of 2017, according to industry data. Put… Continue reading

Rebalance Featured On PBS Finance Show Wealthtrack
by Scott PuritzConsuelo Mack is a long time fan of Professor Burton Malkiel and Dr. Charles Ellis. In fact, she had both of them on her show several times. So naturally, she was intrigued when Burt and Charley joined the Rebalance team and took a central role leading the firm’s Investment Committee and helping to design and monitor the… Continue reading

Finding Investment Advice For More Modest Retirement Accounts
by Mitch TuchmanIf you’re perfectly capable of running your own retirement savings, selecting the right mix of low-cost investments, rebalancing at the right time and not buying and selling out of fear or greed, then good for you. But the majority of people — maybe the vast majority — are not like that. They may be smart enough… Continue reading

An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financial Success
by Sally BrandonThis Sunday’s Washington Post shared something I’ve long known…namely that my partners Scott Puritz and Mitch Tuchman are world-class human beings. The Post profiled Scott to share his entrepreneurial spirit and how Rebalance came to be. And what an exciting story it is! Rebalance was born out of a desire to help investors save and… Continue reading