Small Business 401k Archive

Small Business 401(k) Red Flags You Should See…Before The IRS Does
by Svetlana KotEvery year at tax time, your CPA goes over your company books, prepares your personal return and — after a few weeks of grinding — hands you something to sign. Ever think about what your signature means on a tax return? And on your business return? It means that you are filing your taxes, not… Continue reading

Your 401(k) Fees Could Cost You A Half Million in Retirement
by Nicole Cervi-McKeeverAsk anyone with a 401(k) plan at work what they pay in fees and the answers may surprise you: Most people think they pay nothing at all. Even those who know that’s impossible undershoot by a surprisingly large margin, guessing “about 1%” in fees. The full truth is usually a shock: Many 401(k) savers pay… Continue reading

Is Your Business At Risk Because Of A Simple Oversight?
by Scott PuritzNobody opens a small business with the dream of being a part-time bookkeeper. Unless, of course, your business is bookkeeping! Same with tax-filing deadlines and the myriad legal and insurance issues that can pop up in any industry. You probably started your business because you love caring for your patients or building beautiful homes. Maybe… Continue reading

If Your Small Business 401(k) Is More Than a Year Old, Time to Take a Hard Look
by Mitch TuchmanRunning a business is tough even in normal times, and 2020 was far from normal. Nevertheless, over the coming months things should slowly return to at least semi-normal. The routine of making payroll and keeping the books will return, too. Probably the last thing on your mind is your 401(k) plan. The stock market is… Continue reading

Three New Years Resolutions for 401(k) Plan Sponsors
by Nicole Cervi-McKeeverMost 401(k) plan sponsors are finishing out the year with an eye towards how they can drive improvements to their plans in 2021 and boost outcomes for plan participants. In that spirit, 401(k) Specialist Magazine has developed a list of three New Years Resolutions for 401(k) plan sponsors that includes the end of automatic cash-outs,… Continue reading

Congress Wants More Small Businesses to Offer 401(k) Plans. The Market Is One Step Ahead.
by Scott PuritzAt the start of 2020, Congress made it easier for small businesses to offer 401(k) retirement plans to their employees. That’s a relief. Participation in 401(k) plans is far too low. Just 60% of workers have access to a 401(k). Even then, only 42% of workers participate. The law, known as the SECURE Act, is… Continue reading

No, Your 401(k) is Not in Jeopardy because Joe Biden Won
by RebalanceHis many comments to the contrary, the stock market is NOT going to crash and your 401K is not in jeopardy because Donald Trump lost the presidential election. Despite being one of the several claims made by Trump over the past several months, a host of financial experts and analysts say that’s simply not true.… Continue reading

Retirement Industry People Moves: Rebalance Names Retirement Services Vice President
by Shannon SutherRebalance has added Amanda Thurman to the team as Vice President, Retirement Services. In her role as Vice President, Retirement Services, Thurman will be responsible for growing Rebalance’s small business retirement services programs. The company’s flagship retirement product, Better K, was designed to dramatically improve 401(k) options for small business owners and their employees, to which Thurman will… Continue reading

Rebalance Builds 401(k) Product Aimed at Small Businesses
by Shannon SutherInvestment firm Rebalance has launched Better K, a 401(k) product designed to take the firm’s approach to wealth management and apply it to retirement planning for small business owners and their employees. Better K provides each plan participant an investment strategy based on his own, personal needs. Each participant is provided a personalized risk assessment, and… Continue reading