Are Your 401(k) Plan Costs Average? Or Way Out of Line?
by Svetlana KotIf you’re like many small business owners you probably started a 401(k) plan years ago and, since it’s been running fine, left it well enough alone. You have a business to run, right? Shopping for a new 401(k) provider probably isn’t top of your to-do list, this week or even this year. Yet you should… Continue reading

Why Women Deserve A Better Retirement Savings Plan
by Svetlana KotThe challenges women face when it comes to retirement are well-documented: They earn less than men, spend more years out of the workforce providing family care, and they live longer. As a result, experts note, women often need help to invest well and overcome these long-term challenges. It thus behooves employers to offer a better quality… Continue reading

For Business Owners, The Real 401(k) Risk Is Doing Nothing
by Svetlana KotAs an employer, can you one day be sued by your long-ago employees for how you managed their retirement money? You bet you can! All it takes is allegedly failing to offer investments with competitive fees, as Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center is finding out. In the Pensions & Investments story below, author Robert… Continue reading

Small Business 401(k) Red Flags You Should See…Before The IRS Does
by Svetlana KotEvery year at tax time, your CPA goes over your company books, prepares your personal return and — after a few weeks of grinding — hands you something to sign. Ever think about what your signature means on a tax return? And on your business return? It means that you are filing your taxes, not… Continue reading