Defusing the Unseen Risk Many 401(k) Participants Take With Their Retirements
by Nicole Cervi-McKeeverThe rising popularity of target-date funds in 401(k) plans could be seen as a sign of progress. People seem to know that they need help picking the right combination of investments. Increasing numbers of them opt for target-date funds, which are designed to adjust the ratio of stocks to bonds over time, steadily reducing risk.… Continue reading

Loans From Your 401(k): Understand the Facts
by Nicole Cervi-McKeeverThe pandemic year has a been a hard one for otherwise diligent savers and investors. Some of your employees may have opted to take out loans from their 401(k) plan to cover expenses. It’s important as a plan provider to educate your employees on the importance of staying current with 401(k) loan terms and, if… Continue reading

Your 401(k) Fees Could Cost You A Half Million in Retirement
by Nicole Cervi-McKeeverAsk anyone with a 401(k) plan at work what they pay in fees and the answers may surprise you: Most people think they pay nothing at all. Even those who know that’s impossible undershoot by a surprisingly large margin, guessing “about 1%” in fees. The full truth is usually a shock: Many 401(k) savers pay… Continue reading

Three New Years Resolutions for 401(k) Plan Sponsors
by Nicole Cervi-McKeeverMost 401(k) plan sponsors are finishing out the year with an eye towards how they can drive improvements to their plans in 2021 and boost outcomes for plan participants. In that spirit, 401(k) Specialist Magazine has developed a list of three New Years Resolutions for 401(k) plan sponsors that includes the end of automatic cash-outs,… Continue reading